Agenda 1: Taking Measures Regarding the Return of Internally Displaced People.
Agenda 2: Enhancing Policies Assuring the Safety of Asylum Seekers.
The tensions across the globe have risen, conflicts and persecution have been detaining people from living in their hometowns without any concerns for a threat to their rights. Being forced to regularly change states or even regions, people face crucial consequences whether they are humanitarian, communal or economic.
Formally known as the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. With this explanation, it is seen that it would be against UNHCRs vision to not take any action for the sake of the forehand mentioned matter. So, in this annual session of BizalMUN’24, the commission UNHCR will study on two agenda items: Agenda Item I: Taking Measures Regarding the Return of Internally Displaced People, Agenda Item II: Enhancing Policies Assuring the Safety of Asylum Seekers.
For the sake of the people who have been forced to flee their homes because of violence and disasters, it is expected for the representative of UNHCR to work with other countries to improve and monitor refugee and asylum laws and policies, ensuring human rights are upheld. In everything they do, UNHCR must consider refugees and those forced to flee as partners, putting those most affected at the center of planning and decision-making.
USG: Zeynep Rüya Özdemir
ACAS: Nihal İsmailoğlu